"Earn Money from Other Peoples Sales
Completely on Autopilot, 24x7 in
All Niches, From all Countries
even when You Sleep!"

STOP Sending All Your Customers Away after Each Sale and START Adding Extra Profit to Your Pockets while Making Money from All Your Competitors Sales ...

From: David H James
Re: Revealed, New Software that will Make You Money from other Peoples Sales!

My guesstimate is that 99.9% of all marketers (Yes, even the gurus) tell their customer to "Go Away" directly after each purchase?

You're probably thinking, "What is he talking about", but keep reading and see how You can become one of the first people in the world to use this to your advantage!

On every thank you page and download page out there in "internet marketingland" you're told to "go away" and download a trial version of winzip to be able to unpack the digital package (delivered as a downloadable zip file) you just bought.

Ok, ok ...

I know that most people have some kind of software they use to unzip zip files and that windows XP has that support built in (even though it's a bit cumbersome to use).


Hi David,

I absolutely LOVE Zip2Profit. As soon as I saw it, I knew that it would become an essential part of my marketing plan for any product that I rollout.

Everyone that I deal with at some point needs to unzip files,and many don't have an unzip utility. So, the idea of offering my own that has so many viral features built in is a real no-brainer.

The idea of passing along branded copies, with permission for others to spread my brand just sent my imagination soaring! I predict that practially every SAVVY marketer who offers zipped downloads will soon be harnessing the viral branding power of Zip2Profit.

Thanks for a tool that offers a tremendous
service to my customers

Willie Crawford


You Could be Making Money and Increase
the Traffic to Your Sites Out of Thin Air
at The Same Time thanks to This Mistake ...

What if you had something to sell or even better, give to your customers that

  • They can use for some repetitive purpose (something almost every person in the world with a PC does every now and then. Some even a number of times every day).
  • Would allow you not only to brand yourself, but brand every site and/or product you have. It’s up to you as you would have the power to do it!
  • Would be possible to let loose and use in a viral manner ...
  • Actually has a real value to almost everyone online. Never mind the age, gender, niche interests, culture background or geographical location
  • Would have a built in ad you could change for every site where you give away or sell this product.
  • Would have the built in option (your choice if you want to use it) to open a web page (in the default browser) of your choice each time it is used.
  • Could sense if a specific file was present when the program is used and open it automatically presenting the content for the user.

What if I told you that at this moment you push every customer away by force, missing many sales. On almost every thank you and download page I’ve seen online the owner (you too?) tell the new customer to “go away” and get a copy of winzip.

You Will Never Have to do that again…

Let me present,

zip 2 profit, earn money from other peoples sales

Profit from other Peoples Sales!

It can get any easier than this!

Even when your customer bought from other marketers  normally he will have to unzip the package he's bought.

As he got a copy of Zip2profit from his preferred marketer, You, he used that easy to use and very handy piece of software to unzip the purchase.

Even though he purchased from someone else, you will get your brand in front of his eyes. You will have 2 direct offers Jumping at him from the software itself and depending on your choice may he even be exposed to a web site of your choice with one more offers or why not even a free gift (pulling them back to you again!).

Sell it, give it away, bundle it ... It's up to you how you get a copy on every customers computer. My tip is to stop sending your customers away from your thank you/download pages by telling them to go and get a copy of Winzip (telling them to leave your site without earning money from it is just plain bad business) and give them a copy of Zip2profit instead!

You can earn money from a number of different built in revenue streams (and remember, people have a lot of zip files and they download new ones almost every day, allowing you to profit from each and every unzip they do!).

The Revenue Streams of Zip2Profit


  • Here's a List of the Built in Revenue Streams,


    • The Main Ad. The big blue text above will capture the users eye each and every time they use the program. This text can be made inviting and click friendly by using commonly known ad copy techniques. The built in url you decide will take the user to your url of choice where you can use signup pages, squeeze pages and special offers to keep profiting day after day without lifting a finger!

    • Top One Line Ad. Used for a more general message like call to action for visiting a site. This One Liner is one of the Ad Paths you will use when allowing your customers branding rights (only in the MRR version). They will not be able to change it so your one liner will be shown to all the customers your customer have!

    • Site Auto Open. You can enable this function and have Zip2Profit send the user to an url of your choice after each and every unzip. This can be very effective in some niches and you could use this to present special offers (and how about using some rotating content showing a new web page or new content after each unzip!).

    • Secret File. You can tell Zip2Profit to keep a close check on all files inside the zip files. Using the Secret File option Zip2Profit will on your command open a file (you set the desired filename) when found inside a zip file. This is a golden opportunity for you as no other software in the world will do this, but you can start adding a special offer, invitation, bonus or why not a thank you note in all the zip files you do.

    Here you can see how easy Zip2profit is to brand!

Absolutely NO Adware or Spyware
Under the Hood!

I use Zip2profit all the time, so I can assure you there's no adware, malware or similar hidden inside it.

Many software developers use third party ad networks when providing the users with ad capabilities in their software. Zip2profit was created from the bottom up to not follow that path!

You can distribute your copies safely without worrying that your customers will have security programs popping up "security risk" windows all over the place.

The same goes for firewalls. Zip2profit only opens up the default browser (normally Internet Explorer or Firefox) and loads the page or pages you hade decided. So a firewall will not be a problem. Unless you try to send people to a site that is blocked by itself and in this case the problem is with the site and not Zip2profit.

Support for password protected zip files

Zip2profit will even handle the now common password protected zip files many use as a precaution against having their product spread around on the internet. The zip files supported are the standard zip file format created and used by winzip.

Zip2profit will not allow you to open a password protected zip file unless you know the correct password.


Zip2Profit - Easy to Use!

Zip2Profit was created to be easy to use. This will save you time and minimize time spent on customer support.


  • There's only 1 file to give away.

  • No setup needed.

  • No changes is done on your customers computer.

  • And Zip2profit only does one thing, It unpacks zip files! This makes it as close to newbie safe a software can come!

Your New Secret Marketing Weapon

Never again will you have to tell your customers to leave your site and grab a copy of winzip. Just give them your own branded copy of Zip2Profit (with your own name on it and your ads showing).

Zip2profit has been created to unpack zip files fast and easy.

Furthermore can you tell them that by downloading and using “Zip2Profit” they will see a web page each time they unzip a zip file and you’ll be having free gifts, reviews, signup's to newsletters, software giveaways and whatever you can think of, on that page. They should keep looking as you’ll have special gifts there every now and then, bonuses and other things that would make them coming back and actually looking at the web page.

The Included Rights

You have two options to chose from. The Resell Rights version allowing you to completely brand your copies of Zip2profit and sell or give them away to all your customers.

The Master Resell Rights version allows you to brand your copies completely and to sell or give away limited branding rights to your customers (they will only be able to brand the main ad, leaving all other branded functions as you left them).

This will make your copy of zip2profit go viral as your customers will promote their copy by selling or giving it away to more people. And you'll have your information in that copy wherever it goes!

The resell rights version packs a real punch but if you really are looking for massive exposure for a small amount of money the master resell rights version is a must!

STOP - Sending Your Customers Away!

Does this look familiar?

You most likely send people away from each and every one of your "thank you" and "download pages" by telling them to get leave and get a copy of winzip.


Dave has a winner here!

Zip2profit impresses me with it's potential for Viralosity, Now instead of refering customers to a zip utility I can now give them one when they download their purchase, with my website name and ads included and let them pass it on freely.

And this can be done with each and every site I have.

Great job !!

Conrad C King
Marketing Made Easier

Turn Zip Files Into Money

Now You will turn every Zip file into profit adding a download link to Zip2profit on every thank you /download page you have.

Make your customer download a copy by using the included graphics and treat this download as something that should be a "soft sell". Do not only let it sit on the download page, show it off with a large title, some ad copy to really drive through the idea and the need for your customer to get their copy!



Here's a great bonus gift for you to help you maximize the impact from the ad copy you write for Zip2Profit!

10 way to write better ads
A complete copy of "10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads!"

This ebook will help you create sizzling ad copy for your short Zip2profit ads and it will be very useful for any other ad copy or sales letter you need to write in the future.

Valued between $7-$14, Yours for FREE with your purchase of Zip2Profit!



Your Price?

Option 1 - Resell Rights

Only $14.00 $9.97 For The First 50 36 Orders

Only $9.97
Zip2profit with RR (Resell Rights).
Allowing you to sell and/or give copies of Zip2profit away
Note! Only you can brand zip2profit

Option 2 - Master Resell Rights

orderbutton for zip2profit
Only $24.00
Zip2profit with MRR (Master Resell Rights).
Allowing you to sell and/or give copies of Zip2profit away
and pass on the rights to your customer to sell and/or giveaway a copy!

Note! You can brand everything in zip2profit, your customer only the main ad.


To Your Success




P. S. Remember that each and every copy of Zip2Profit you sell or give away will continue to work for you day after day, zip file after zip file. And it doesn't matter where the zip files come from, who sold them or what the content is!

P.P.S Not only will you be among the first in the world to download this amazing profit generating tool, there's to my knowledge no competition out there yet either. So download your copy now and start giving it away at once while you have a head start over the rest of the online marketers in the world!

P.P.PS I've been contacted by several online marketers wanting a piece of the cake (they want me to sell them the source code and complete rights so they can take zip2profit of the market and keep it to themselves). But I have turned them down so far thinking about you and how you will profit from your copy.

Copyright 2007 zip2profit.co.uk